Elderberry Switchel

Switchel, swizzel, hipster gatorade, haymakers punch…all names for this delicious, summertime drink. The history seems a bit murky on this one. With origins unknown and all over the place, switchel packs a hydrating punch that leaves you feeling amazing on those super hot days. Apple Cider Vinegar and ginger give this baby a tangy punch, the Elderberry Maple Embarks sweetens her up just enough, and the carbonated water gives it just enough fizz to level things out. Here’s how we made it:

Fill a 32oz glass with ice and add these ingredients:

1/2 Cup of apple cider vinegar

3 oz of ginger (I took the fast and easy route and found some ginger juice already bottled up. It was ginger/tumeric which made it even better!) If you can’t find any ginger juice, you have to grate ginger and strain it through a cheesecloth until you get the 3 oz. Morale of the story is, just find ginger juice, it makes everything better.

Squeeze in half a lemon and a lime for some citrus goodness

Half a pack of Elderberry Embark Maple

1 can of pure/natural carbonated water (or you can use regular water, I like the fizz)

Super fast, super easy. Hydrating and delicious.


Coffee Maple Popsicles


Elderberry Maple Lemonade